All The Love - My First Tattoo

Sunday, May 15, 2016

I did something crazy, well, at least crazy for me... I got my 1st tattoo on Friday, Friday the 13th to be exact. 

I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but honestly, I was too scared to do so. I finished up my sophomore year at Columbia on Thursday & wanted to celebrate in some way. For quite a few weeks leading up to the end of the semester, I kept thinking about what I wanted to get & not quite sure if I would go through with it or not. Let me just say, I am so happy I did. 

I want to explain the meaning behind my tattoo, but before I do so, I want to remind you that tattoos are for those who will wear them forever not for those that view them from the outside. Think what you want, but this is my body & I get to choose what I put on it. This is for me. 

My tattoo reads "All the love" with a small heart at the end. Just to get it out of the way, the writing is actually Harry Styles's... Please roll your eyes & judge me silently... I didn't just get this because it's Harry's signature phrase or that it's in his handwriting, it does add more meaning to it though & if you truly know me, you'll understand. 
The big meaning is behind the words. The phrase "All the love" is to remind me of all the amazing people I have in my life & that I am surrounded by so much love. I have never been so genuinely happy & content with my life & this tattoo is a reminder of that. Any time I am having a rough day I can look at my wrist & be reminded of this feeling I am filled with, love. Love from the people in my life, how much I love where I am & what I'm doing & how it feels to be surrounded by love constantly. 

xx Maria Natalia

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